MAH / AH à WH Calculatrice de conversion: outil en ligne gratuit

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Mah ah à la calculatrice de conversion WH

Table des matières

Convert mAh/Ah to Watt Hours

Insert milliamp hours (mAh) or amp hours (Ah) and voltage (V), it will automatically calculate Watt hours (Wh).

Application Capacité Tension Energy
RV Battery 200Ah 12V 2 400 variables
Stockage solaire 300Ah 48V 14,400Wh
Système marin 150Ah 36V 5,400Wh

Wh to mAh/Ah calculator →

mAh/Ah to Wh Conversion Formula Explained

Équation de conversion de base

Watt-hours (Wh) = Amp-hours (Ah) × Voltage (V) → Wh = Ah x V

For milliamp-hours: Wh = (mAh ÷ 1000) × V

Exemples de calcul pratiques

Solar Power Systems200Ah48V9,600Wh
Smartphone Batteries5000mAh3.7 V18.5Wh
EV Batteries230Ah350V80,500Wh

Why Watt-Hours Matter More Than Amp-Hours

Consumers often focus on mAh or Ah ratings when comparing batteries. However, watt-hours (Wh) better measure energy storage capacity as they account for voltage differences.

Understanding watt-hours (Wh) is critical for:

  • Compliance: Airlines restrict batteries >100Wh
  • System Design: Solar/Wind installations require precise Wh calculations
  • Cost Optimization: Compare battery performance across voltages (12V/24V/48V)

Key Features of Our Advanced mAh/Ah to Wh Calculator

Dual Unit Support

  • Support mAh and Ah instant conversion
  • Automatic voltage detection presets

Real-Time Error Checking

  • Invalid input detection
  • Negative value prevention


Why Can’t I Directly Compare mAh/Ah Ratings?

Voltage significantly affects energy content. For example, 5,000mAh at 3.7V equals 18.5Wh, while 5,000mAh at 12V equals 60Wh, which is 3.24 times more energy.

How Accurate Are Manufacturer mAh/Ah Ratings?

Our tests show:

  • Power banks: 60-85% efficiency
  • Smartphone batteries: 90-95% accuracy
  • EV batteries: ±2% tolerance

What’s The Military-grade Conversion Method?

Special forces use the formula: Wh = (mAh × V) ÷ 1000 × derating factor, with a derating factor of 0.7 for extreme conditions.
