Custom 36V 30Ah LiFePO4 Battery Pack

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The 38. 4V30Ah battery pack is a high-performance LiFePO4 battery that delivers reliable and efficient power. Its advanced protection features and long cycle life make it ideal for renewable energy systems and electric vehicles.

Informasi tambahan



Jenis Baterai

Paket baterai 32140

Detail Produk

*Tegangan Nominal (V): 38.4V
* Kapasitas: 30Ah
* Arus Debit Berkelanjutan Maks: 6A
* Arus Pengisian Baterai: 6A
* Weight: 12kg
* Dimensions: 306*172*215mm
* Rata-rata Kisaran Suhu untuk:
Pengisian daya: 0~60°C
Pemakaian: -20~75°C
Penyimpanan: 0~40°C

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