Blog da Bateria Holo

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how to care for your lithium iron battery
Dicas e artigos de instruções

Como cuidar da sua bateria de ferro-lítio

Lithium iron batteries, known for their high energy density and long cycle life, are increasingly popular in applications like electric vehicles and renewable energy storage. Proper care is essential for

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deep cycle battery
Fatos sobre a bateria & Comparações

Deep Cycle Battery: The Ultimate Guide

Before discussing deep cycle batteries, it’s important to understand battery basics, such as cycles and depth of discharge (DoD). A cycle is a full discharge and recharge of a battery.

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Tensão da bateria Compare
Fatos sobre a bateria & Comparações

O que é tensão da bateria?

Batteries power everything from phones to cars, making them essential in daily life. However, battery power varies. Understanding voltage is crucial when choosing between different batteries. Let’s explore what voltage

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