Custom 12V 12Ah 32700 LiFePO4 Battery Pack

sekcia sept biela

The Perfect SLA Replacement Battery4S3P LiFePo4 Battery Pack with Battery Management System integrated

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Typ batérie

32700 battery pack

Podrobnosti o produkte

Half the weight and twice the power of traditional lead batteries, this workhorse provides the ideal amount of energy for full-day adventures.

* Nominal Voltage (V): 12.8V
* Capacity: 12Ah
* Max Continuous Discharge Current: 10A
* Nabíjací prúd batérie: 6A
* Weight: 980g ± 50g
* Dimensions: 151 x 99 x 94 mm
* Priem. Teplotné rozsahy pre:
Nabíjanie: 0~45°C
Vybíjanie: -20~60°C
Skladovanie: 0~40°C

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