Category: Battery Facts & Comparações

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o que são amperes, volts, ohms e watts
Fatos sobre a bateria & Comparações

O que são Amps, Volts, Ohms e Watts?

Ampères, volts, watts e ohms são conceitos-chave em sistemas elétricos. Embora possa parecer complexo, você não precisa de um diploma de engenharia para entender a eletricidade. A eletricidade flui como água através

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deep cycle battery
Fatos sobre a bateria & Comparações

Deep Cycle Battery: The Ultimate Guide

Before discussing deep cycle batteries, it’s important to understand battery basics, such as cycles and depth of discharge (DoD). A cycle is a full discharge and recharge of a battery.

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Tensão da bateria Compare
Fatos sobre a bateria & Comparações

O que é tensão da bateria?

Batteries power everything from phones to cars, making them essential in daily life. However, battery power varies. Understanding voltage is crucial when choosing between different batteries. Let’s explore what voltage

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baterias de carro EV
Fatos sobre a bateria & Comparações

Que tipo de baterias os carros elétricos usam?

Electric cars revolutionize transportation by providing a sustainable alternative to gasoline vehicles. Their operation relies on batteries, the core component of these modern marvels. This article explores the types of

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o que significa watts
Fatos sobre a bateria & Comparações

O que significa watts?

Watts measure power, indicating the rate of energy transfer or conversion. Named after Scottish inventor James Watt, this unit is vital in fields like electrical engineering and physics. Understanding watts

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battery reserve capacity
Fatos sobre a bateria & Comparações

Capacidade de reserva da bateria explicada

Choosing a battery for your energy system can be overwhelming due to specifications like sizes, amp-hours, voltage, cycle life, and efficiency. One key specification is reserve capacity, which impacts lifespan

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what does cca mean on a battery
Fatos sobre a bateria & Comparações

O que significa CCA em uma bateria?

Have you encountered the term cold cranking amps (CCA) when examining batteries? Understanding CCA and its differences from marine cranking amps (MCA) helps you choose the right battery, reducing costs.

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o que é o ciclo de vida da bateria
Fatos sobre a bateria & Comparações

O que é o ciclo de vida da bateria?

Understanding your deep-cycle battery’s lifespan is crucial, whether it’s old or new. Various factors influence its life cycle, but let’s first define what a battery life cycle is and how

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