The 11.1V 62.4Ah NCM battery pack is a powerful and reliable choice for various energy needs, including electric vehicles, renewable energy systems, and industrial equipment. It offers high energy density, stability, and safety.
Hmotnosť | 4.2kg |
Typ batérie | Batéria 18650 |
* Menovité napätie (V): 11,1V
* Capacity: 62.4Ah
* Max Continuous Discharge Current: 5A
* Battery Charging Current: 5A
* Weight: 4.2kg
* Dimensions: 70 x 116 x 232 mm
* Priem. Teplotné rozsahy pre:
Nabíjanie: 0~60°C
Vybíjanie: -20~75°C
Skladovanie: 0~40°C
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